The great natural treasure of Sant Cugat is Collserola, a vast park with endless possibilities to enjoy nature and a healthy life. A paradise for walkers, cyclists, runners and horse riders. With over 8,000 hectares, it is considered the biggest metropolitan park in the country.
Sant Cugat is the city with the largest area included in the Serra de Collserola Natural Park, with 44%. It covers two partial natural reserves: the Font Groga and the Rierada-Can Balasc. The Park is a protected area and forms part of the Plan for Spaces of Natural Interest (PEIN) and the European network of natural areas Natura 2000.

Remember that it is a fragile ecosystem, with regulations that must be respected.

Collserola natural park


Natura Local mobile app

It provides four self-guided routes lasting between one and two hours.
App available from the App Store and Google Play.
Languages: Catalan, Spanish, English and French.

Natura Local mobile app


We propose twelve itineraries of various lengths and difficulties, which go through some of the most emblematic points of the park of Collserola: the pine of Xandri, the chapel of Sant Medir, the church of Sant Adjutori, the reservoir of Can Borrell, the fountain Groga (yellow) … are places where small and large can enjoy good views, see impressive trees, discover heritage, always enjoying nature to touch the city.

You will find the itineraries detailed in each file and you can download them to follow them while you are doing the tour.

Private property must be respected, disturbance to wildlife must be avoided and damage to vegetation must be avoided. It is also obligatori to take the waste home. Remember that the regulations of Collserola Park regulate the movement of domestic animals into the Park, dogs must be on a leash. Most of the fountains in the Park are natural and untreated, the city council carries out annual analytics and signals the areas analyzed with the results. It is advisable to provide yourself with water before starting your excursions. The estimated times are calculated taking into account the stops at the points of interest.

If you come by bicycle, use the road map for cycling, give way to pedestrians and remember that you cannot go beyond 20 km / h. In the same way, remember that you can only circulate through the “network of cycling use of the park”, that is, those roads that are +3 meters wide.

** The access of the stairs to the swamp of Can Borrell remains closed.

You can download a pdf of each route. At the end you will find three links:

The first corresponds to the topographic map
The second and third are the tracks of the routes. You must have Google Earth for the kmz format and Wikiloc for the gpx format.
You can download the applications to your mobile, they are available in Google play and App store.

Parc natural de Collserola rutes

From Sant Cugat to Can Borrell

Duration: 2 h on foot
Distance: 4.6 km
Difficulty: easy

Parc natural de collserola rutes guiades

Font de l’Ermetà and Torre Negra

Duration: 1.45 h on foot
Distance: 3.2 km
Difficulty: easy

Parc natural de collserola rutes guiades

Springs of Ribes and la Rabassada

Duration: 1 h on foot
Distance: 1.9 km
Difficulty: easy

Parc natural de collserola rutes guiades

Valleys of Can Bell and Can Gordi

Duration: 3 h on foot
Distance: 5.3 km
Difficulty: easy

Parc natural de collserola rutes guiades

La Floresta – Rabassalet

Duration: 3 h on foot
Distance: 5.7 km
Difficulty: easy

Parc natural de collserola rutes guiades

The pond of Can Borell and Sant Adjutori

Duration: 2 h on foot, children
Distance: 4.6 km
Difficulty: easy

Parc natural de collserola rutes i itineraris

Sant Cugat via Can Borell

Duration: 2 h children bike
Distance: 6 km
Difficulty: easy

Parc natural de collserola rutes guiades

Sant Cugat-Baixador de Vallvidrera

Duration: 2.30 h, bike
Distance: 10.4 km
Difficulty: easy

Parc natural de collserola rutes guiades

Font Groga

Duration: 1.45 h on foot
Distance: 3.2 km
Difficulty: easy, circular

Parc natural de collserola rutes, gran ruta

Way of Saint James

Duration: 5 h on foot
Distance: 17.2 km
Difficulty: medium

Parc natural de collserola rutes guiades

Monks’ path

Duration: 3 h on foot
Distance: 8.2 km
Difficulty: medium

Parc natural de collserola rutes guiades

The novecentist summer houses of Valldoreix

Duration: 3 h on foot
Distance: 6.4 km
Difficulty: easy to ride


The best way to get to the park is on foot or by bike. If you come by train, FGC, you can get off at the stations: Baixador de Vallvidrera, Les Planes, La Floresta, Valldoreix, Sant Cugat.

Park Information Centre
Ctra. de l’Església, 92 08017 Barcelona


Ctra. de l’Església, 92, 08017 Barcelona
Tel.: +(34)932 803 552

Plaça d’Octavià, 10
Tel.: +(34) 936 759 952
WhatsApp +(34) 646 686 877