Sant Cugat is Zone 1, the same fare as moving around Barcelona by metro
Route of the Barcelona – Vallès line
In the image, you can see the Barcelona-Vallès line. From Barcelona, all S lines stop at Sant Cugat station, if you come to visit the Monastery of Sant Cugat, this is your stop. If, on the other hand, you want to go to the Mercantic, you have to go down to Volpelleres, where only the S2 and S6 lines arrive.
Prices and timetables FGC lines S1, S2, S5, S6 and S7
To have everything on hand, here are the timetables of the different FGC lines, whether you come from Barcelona or Sabadell, Rubí, Universitat Autònoma or Terrassa. As you can imagine, the frequencies from Barcelona are very high – every 5 minutes there is a train that leaves you in Sant Cugat in 15 or 20 minutes, depending on the station where you take it.
Barcelona-Pl. Catalunya Terrassa
Barcelona-Pl. Catalunya Sant Cugat
Barcelona-Pl. Catalunya Rubí
Download S1, S5 and S7 timetables Download S2 an S6 timetables
Barcelona-Pl. Catalunya Sabadell
Barcelona-Pl. Catalunya U. Autònoma
The integrated transport ticket that we recommend you use for your visits to Sant Cugat is the T-Casual, a one-person ticket with the right to transfer that has 10 trips integrated in all means of transport. Not valid for Airport T1 and Airport T2 metro stations on Line 9 South. You can check the prices always updated at the ATM. For updated single ticket prices, see the FGC website.
- One way: €2.40
- 2 trips in 1: €4.80
- 4 trips in 1: €9.60
Can I get my bike in the FGC railway?
For cyclists and those who like to ride a bike, remember that you can get your bike on the train for free every day. You only need to consider the occupancy of the trains, as the authorized personnel may vary these conditions.
Can I take pets to the railroad?
Pets are allowed free of charge. Dogs must be tethered and muzzled, and small animals must travel in cages or baskets. They cannot occupy a seat.
We leave you the link to the FGC website for all the updated information.